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Denture Care and Cleaning Basics

Apr 02, 2024

Got your first set of dentures? Taking proper care of those pearly whites is essential for keeping them functional and comfortable. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, about 15% of the edentulous population, or those who have lost more or all of their teeth, have dentures made each year. Don’t worry, with these denture care fundamentals from your local dentures experts, you’ll be snacking and smiling with confidence in no time.

Clean Thoroughly After Each Meal

Food particles easily get lodged in dentures, so clean them after eating. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaning paste to gently scrub both the inside and outside surfaces. This prevents the build-up of plaque and bacteria that can irritate your gums. Rinse thoroughly before popping your dentures back into your mouth. Can’t brush right away? At least rinse with cool water to dislodge food debris before thorough cleaning later.

Soak Them Overnight

While quick cleaning maintains daytime freshness, a thorough overnight soak ensures your dentures stay free of damaging bacteria. Fill a bowl with cool or lukewarm water and submerge your dentures before bed. Water on its own suffices, but your local dentures provider may recommend special effervescent soaking tablets to lift away stubborn stains or odors. In the morning, give your dentures another gentle scrub before starting your day.

Don’t Use Toothpaste or Hot Water

You may be accustomed to brushing your natural teeth with minty toothpaste and steaming shower water. However, dentures require special care. Toothpaste’s abrasive ingredients can damage or scratch the shaped plastic. Hot water encourages rapid build-up of plaque and stains. Play it safe by using specialty denture cleaning products and cool or room temperature water only. Consult your local dentures provider if unsure about using a particular cleaning solution.

Store Them Properly

Practice proper storage habits, so your dentures maintain their original shape when outside your mouth. Always keep them moist by fully immersing them in water or a moist towel. Letting them air-dry warps the base shape over time. Invest in a denture case with fresh water rather than wrapping them in paper towels or tissue. Check-in with your local dentures clinic periodically to ensure your storage method isn’t impacting functionality or fit.

Caring for dentures doesn’t have to be complicated, especially if you establish good habits upfront. Stick to this routine to keep your new smile fresh, stain-free, and comfortable all day long. If you're in need of dentures or need help caring for ones you already have, we can help. Schedule an appointment with Renee Sheeler Denture Clinic today.

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